For anyone subject to the German tax law, its extreme complexity and the continuous changes brought about by legislation reviews, court rulings and fiscal authority regulation reviews represent a major challenge. Decisions are frequently made even more difficult by international aspects.
We simply put ourselves in the shoes of our respective client, identify operating aims and discuss the current framework conditions together.
After that, we team up with our client to develop practicable, efficient solutions that nevertheless offer adequate flexibility to meet future challenges. And together with our international partners from Morison Global, we also offer active support to you and your company in your international activities.

We do something for you that is nigh on impossible for many companies and individuals: we keep tabs on everything.>
Our tax advisors are on hand to answer your questions about current tax law. For us, tax advice is not just about supporting our clients in fulfilling their legal obligations within the framework of current tax law.
Consultancy at GKK PARTNERS is an active process that creates the best framework conditions for you. Our tax advisors provide proactive advice and work together with you in a targeted and transparent manner to develop customised solutions in order to successfully achieve the goals defined with you.
Financial accounting / bookkeeping is not only the basis for preparing tax returns and annual financial statements, it is also one of the most important tools and an indispensable basis for decision-making for the management of your company. It is crucial that the informative value, scheduling and preparation process are customised to the needs of each company. All decision-relevant information should be available at all times.
GKK PARTNERS offers you a wide range of options for setting up your accounting efficiently, securely and transparently using digital applications and tried-and-tested interfaces (e.g. to Datev). Our tax consultants and digitalisation specialists work with you in advance to define the creation process and the scope of the collaboration.
Find out more about our financial accounting services here, which will take the administrative burden off you and your team while ensuring a secure process.
GKK PARTNERS assists its clients in timely planning for inheritance, gifting, or sales. Passing a company and assets on to the next generation not only requires professional knowledge but also an understanding of the human aspects involved and an instinct for good timing. The focus is always on asset value maintenance and increase to benefit future generations.
Due to the various countries' different tax laws, cross-border activities are frequently accompanied by important tax issues. With the assistance of our international partners from Morison Global, we can also support our clients in their international business activities.
Our advisory services on taxation in more detail:
- Tax efficient location management
- Holding company structuring
- Legal entity consulting –…
In the course of tax due diligence prior to the potential acquisition or divestment of a company, GKK PARTNERS analyses tax-related risk factors and highlights any scope for optimisation. In addition, we will show you a choice of business models designed to avoid risks and make full use of potential opportunities.
Changes in economic, legal, or personal circumstances often provide a good opportunity to consider a change in legal form or a realignment of the business. In the complex processes of restructuring, GKK PARTNERS guides its clients through all crucial phases, from exploring various alternatives to implementation. We analyze existing risks and proactively establish security by obtaining binding information from tax…
Protecting private assets in two senses - build on our experience, a strong team and secure, digital technology.
For over twenty years, our clients in our Private Clients / Family Office area of expertise have been able to rely on our extensive experience in providing personalised advice to entrepreneurs, wealthy private individuals and family-run companies / family offices.
Our tax firm in Munich stands for personalised and high-quality advice. Our solutions are customised and based on your needs and goals. Our experienced tax advisors and auditors see themselves as your partners and specialise in understanding your individual concerns and advising and supporting you on your path to financial and personal success.
Our tax advisors have an in-depth understanding of tax law and are always up to date with the latest legislation. This expertise enables us to develop optimal tax strategies that are perfectly tailored to your needs.
Would you also like to find out more about the services of our accountants in Munich? You can find out more about our firm's auditing services here.
We understand that every client is unique. That's why we attach great importance to providing you with personalised support. You will have a responsible contact person from our team in Munich who understands your challenges, needs and goals and will pursue them with our services for you and with you.
Our aim is to always deliver the highest quality in our advice and work. As auditors, we ensure transparency and reliability in your financial reporting and support you in building trust with your stakeholders.
You benefit from our many years of experience and our specialists in tax consultancy and auditing, who enable us to offer a comprehensive range of expertise in our tax office.
The knowledge of our experts is quickly available and is therefore also available to you in time-critical situations in a solution-orientated and efficient manner with our advice and concrete solution proposals.
Get in touch with us and let's talk about working together. Our tax consultants and auditors in Munich would like to find out more about you and your company. Together, we will find out how we can partner with you through our expertise and personalised advice. Contact us today to arrange a consultation. In our tax office in Munich or with digital support outside of Munich. Our team looks forward to providing you with reliable tax support on your path to success and beyond.